Saturday, April 20, 2013

Inspirational Boutiques - Chicago

Life Coming Out of Death is what Ponrizsan calls a statement necklace
As if Oneka Ijeoma wasn't a character to behold the name of her jewelry boutique is King Onye!
It's a pop up boutique on Armitage Avenue which is possibly the coolest street to shop in Chicago.
If you failed to recognize, above is a necklace called Life Coming Out of Death and it is a bullet shell that springs a polished tree branch strung on a gold-toned chain.
All the pieces in this store are constructed by the hand of this tiny, gorgeous girl that trots the Lincoln Park street in a vintage fur coat and it makes her look like a woman that you want at your dinner table because her zen and creativity will inspire all your dinner guests.
She meditates on a New England easy (upholstered  in silvers and powder blues) chair and talks about her passion for what she is doing. Candles are lit everywhere and carry a sweet aroma in between the unique jewelry pieces. The experience alone in the place is worth going!

Bullet Shell and Tree Branch Necklace Wall

 Wondering how to pair this piece? It will be so shocking if it is worn with a very formal dress. Probably completely clean cut with no fringe or folds. It will be a centerpiece and a social statement if you will! Dare to make your jewelry a conversation starter!
PonRizSan clearly loves to always be on the cutting edge of all issues and art and culture happenings!
 If you cannot wear great art, be great art!
And here is Oneka! I told you she is a character to behold! And this is her infamous fur coat!
XOXO Ponrizsan

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Waterfall Mansion - New York


Upper East Side, NYC

A Townhouse to See
Yesterday, I went to the opening reception for the Korean artist Sang Yong Lee at The Waterfall Mansion. (The fist floor)
Ieri sono stata all'apertura dell'esibizione dell' artista coreano Sang Yong Lee al Waterfall Mansion. (Primo piano)

"Inscribed Memories"
"Memorie inscritte"
The Mansion was designed by Toshiko Mori Architects, 4 floors with a basement and a rooftop.
The Townhouse in 170 East 80 th street, takes its name from the 23-foot indoor waterfall   
La Mansion (170 Est 80  th street) e' stata progettata da Toshiko Mori Architects, prende il nome (waterfall =cascata) dalla cascata interna (23-foot), ed e' costituita da 4 piani, piu' un basement e un terazzo.
 See my facebook page if you want more info : PONRIZSAN
Per maggiori informazioni guardate la mia pagina facebook : PONRIZSAN
Some desserts and wine at the second floor
Dolcetti e vino al secondo piano
Not chocolate inside, but cream beans: ANKO
Niente cioccolato dentro i dolcetti, ma crema di fagioli: ANKO   


Fluid Ribbon Chair- Michael D' Amato
Beautiful view from the rooftop
Vista dal terrazzo

The wine cellar in the basement
In the basement you can find Sauna and Jacuzzi
Nel basement puoi trovare Sauna e Jacuzzi
Do you like it?  around $ 31 Million
Ti piace ? circa $ 31 milioni


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Italian Oasis in Lincoln Square - Chicago

Eggplant ala Due Lire

Oxtail Ragu Gnocchi

Due Lire's Arugula, Fennel, Green Apple and Fig Salad

Due Lire must be the best kept secret in Lincoln Square. There is no particular reason for this phenomenon since it is the finest Italian restaurant north of the levy but Massimo is not crying about it. Massimo is the suave hand behind this gem and your host and your charming sommelier. He is the perfect gentleman and noone would care more for your comfort and apetite!
Every dish in the restaurant is creative and fresh. Every dish is something you have never had before and not pretentious!
The Polenta is crispy on the outside and succulent on the inside, covered with mushroom ragù and finished with rubies of pomegranate.
Balthazar is the current chef and his smile is bright and so charming that you want to have all specials for the day at once.

The décor is minimal and allows you to concentrate on negronis made to order and wines that tickle every diner’s taste buds.
Why there isn’t a line in front of this restaurant on daily bases Ponrizsan will never know but we will be back when the patio opens in late May!

If dessert is not something towards which you gravitate, your mind will be corrupted there. Do not have only thepanna cotta, or only the espresso dessert, or only the tiramisu – by God, spend all your 401k money and have them all! You will retire a happy camper!!!

Now go! Go! We mean it!

Panna Cotta
Due Lire's Fresh Made Pasta

XOXO Ponrizsan

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fashion Tips - Flowers Are Back - Italy, Chicago, New York


In some European and North American cities it is still so cold you can forget it is spring!!!

It is that time of year when we see flowers and plants start to blossom everywhere.  But if the weather does not help, fashion will.

Flowers are back!

During the ‘700, flowers became the “accessory” that made the difference; but in the ‘800 they became more and more important.   They are a classic decoration of beautiful dresses that nobles used in European courts  (watch “Marie Antoniette” by Sofia Coppola  and  “Angelique: The road to Versailles”  by Bernard Borderie )

When talking about contemporary floral designers, Yamamoto, Pugh, Nicole Dextras, and Scott deserve to be mentioned.  Site

“We want more romanticism, light and hope. Flowers do all that” said Scott.

George Kenneth Scott started his career as a painter (Peggy Guggenheim organized his first exhibition) ; Dior used one of his designs ““Rose a longue tige” to realize a dress of his 1954 collection.”

But then Scott opened his own fashion line; a line , which won over  Audrey Hepburn, Monica Vitti, Brigitte Bardot, Jacqueline Kennedy .
All these dresses are made with plants and flowers
Tutti questi vestiti sono realizzati con piante e fiori


 George Kenneth Scott


                                                             From the movie "Angelique"
                                                             Dal film "Angelica"
2013 Collection
Collezioni del 2013





In Milan at the EXCELSIOR
All' EXCELSIOR di Milano



If you like flowers don't forget The Chelsea Flower Show  from the 21 until the 25 of May. 
Thank you for the tip Mariavanessa


In alcune citta’ d’Europa e nord America e’ ancora  cosi’  freddo, che e’ facile dimenticarsi del fatto che sia Primavera!
Dovremmo vedere fiori e piante sbocciare e nascere quasi dapertutto , ma dove il clima non aiuta, lo fa la moda.
Le stampe a fiori  sono ritornate ad essere  trendy quest’ anno.
Nel’700 I fiori iniziano a diventare l’accessorio, che  fa la differenza;  ma nel ‘800 raggiungono l’apice , gli abiti delle varie corti Europee si adornano di fiori. ( Guardate “ Maria Antonietta” di Sofia Coppola e “Angelica alla corte di Versailles” di Bernard Borderie)
Se parliamo di stilisti contemporanei nel mondo delle stampe floreali non possiamo non citare  Yamamoto, Pugh, Nicole Dextra e Scott.
"Vogliamo romanticismo, luminosita' e speranza. I fiori ci danno tutto questo", diceva Scott.

George Kenneth Scott inizio' la sua carriera come pittore (Peggy Guggenheim organizzo' la sua prima mostra ) ; Dior utilizzo' uno dei suoi disegni““Rose a longue tige” per realizzare un vestitito della sua collezione del 1954. 

Ma ben presto Scott apri' la sua propria linea, che fece innamorare attrici del calibro di  Audrey Hepburn, Monica Vitti, Brigitte Bardot,  e l' elegante Jacqueline Kennedy .
Se siete appassionati di fiori non dimenticativi che a Chelsea , dal 21 al 25 maggio si svolgera' una delle piu' famose mostre di giardinaggio.
Grazie Mariavanessa per avermelo ricordato